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AURAL eXtreMisMs, 19.06.15

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The festival is going to be prepared and first name are confirmed.

In the meantime we are going to organize a fundraiser in collaboration with Praxis Records which is meant to finance the print of Datacide magazine as well.

The night, called AURAL eXtreMisMs, present the main tags which are proper of Hermetic Chamber. We want to encourage artists, collectives that are working and creating culture from the low and spread it into the capitalized art/music/entertainment sector of Berlin.

The program features lectures, screenings and a rich after party with the presence of LA´s Nemeton and the London based DJ Controlled Weirdness.

All the infos below:

TALKS AND SCREENING(20 Uhr) "Introduction on current Datacide Projects and 23 Years of Praxis Records" by Christoph Fringeli Screening: "Nothing Essential Happens in the Absence of Noise" Documentary by Silvia Biagioni Talk: "Journeys in the Naked City - A Psychogeography of Dancing in the 1980's" by DJ Controlled Weirdness LIVE/DJ SET(23.00 Uhr) D!NAM!K (Grundfrequenz) Darkam Destrooy aka Dubdub Ari Nev (Concrete Cosmos) Nemeton (Darkmatter Soundsystem/Datacide) Aekre (Concrete Cosmos) Controlled Weirdness (Datacide) Visuals by Sansculotte (Hirntrust) ___

The event is hosted by K9 e.v. which provides two rooms for the occasion.

ADDRESS: Kinzigstr.9, Berlin Friedrichshain(U-Bahn Samariterstr.)

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